Dream collection

premium prints watercolor

Complex Soul


premium prints watercolor



premium prints watercolor



premium prints watercolor

The Meaning of Life


Nightmare collection

premium prints ink



premium prints ink



premium prints ink

Art Block


premium prints ink

The Right to Dream


Get original artworks!

Some of Artanzo’s paintings are available as auctions for six days after their release. If you are quick enough, you can win an auction and get an original painting for a great price. If you don’t want to miss a opportunity, please check the home page regularly.

How does it work?

First, click on the image (on the right side for desktop devices, below this text for mobiles): it’s the current auction. You will be redirected to the auction page where you will see the auction details. If the auction is still opened, you can place a bid. If you win the auction you will get and e-mail or your will get the information on your account page. Once you have paid the auction final price, you will receive the painting by postal mail in the next days (time depends on your location).

Have fun and start collect Artanzo original drawings!

new auctions

Quiet balance

Auction Ended

Dear visitor,

I invite you to step into a world where dreams are blended with reality, where ideas come to life through original pieces of art.

Should you feel a connection with any of the pieces, you can easily acquire them when visiting Artanzo online gallery, bringing a fragment of this dreamworld back to your home, or perhaps even as a gift, for someone who appreciates original art.

So, who is Artanzo?

Artanzo is the alias of a male artist, working out of a small space on the Internet. Imagine this space like a garden, in which Artanzo draws the environment around him; imagining new realities. Through this space, Artanzo hopes to spike your curiosity, taking you on a virtual journey through the idyllic.

If you have any questions, or even an idea for a new piece – contact Artanzo using the contact button on the bottom-right side. He will get in touch promptly.