It all began in the heart of the Andes in 1983, at an altitude of 10,827 feet, near an astrophysical observatory. From this pristine location, free from human pollution, the rare inhabitants were treated to the breathtaking spectacle of cloudless, dark nights. It was in this remote and isolated place that Artanzo was born, leaving him with just one vivid memory: a brightly colored lliclla.
Five years later, Artanzo found himself in Lima, the bustling capital of Peru. The climate was vastly different—humid and filled with a variety of daunting insects.
As a child, Artanzo eagerly explored new activities every day. Drawing, however, stood out from the rest. He drew constantly, proudly presenting his sketches to his parents, who carefully noted the dates beside each one.
In 1990, Artanzo relocated to France, settling in the midst of the Alps. Here, he discovered nature’s immense complexity, offering endless possibilities for exploration. Then, one day, the Internet arrived in his home—like an unexpected neighbor eyed with suspicion. Gradually, the allure of nature faded, giving way to the opportunity to connect and share with the world, or at least the illusion of it.
